35 Year History
Since September of 1985: a place for students to grow both spiritually and academically.
Since September of 1985: a place for students to grow both spiritually and academically.
Before Pacific Academy actually opened its doors to 200 students in the autumn of 1985, the dream of a unique school that blended high academic standards, Biblical truths and the finest facilities was a vision in the mind of many British Columbia-area leaders, parents and educators.
And when Vancouver-based entrepreneur and philanthropist Jim Pattison stepped out in faith to work toward his vision becoming a reality, he was soon joined by Founding Board Members Rev. Allon Hornby, Rev. Bernice Gerard, Rev. Ed Austin, Rev. Ken Birch, Rev. Gordon McDonald and Mrs. Mary Pattison. Under God's leading, the newly constituted Pacific Pentecostal Education and Communication Society was able to purchase the seven-acre Brookmere Elementary School in Coquitlam, adjacent to Brookmere Park. It was here that Pacific Academy called home for six years, until a cold, snowy day in January of 1991 when the growing student body of 560 moved across the Port Mann Bridge to a new, two-storey building on the current campus in Surrey, B.C. By fall of that year, the elementary school building (now the primary school) was completed and over the next four years, 80,000 square feet of additional space was also added.

The Elements in Our School Crest Are:
THE TRUMPET - announcing the gospel
THE TORCH - truth
THE HAND - passing on the torch of knowledge through the word of God
THE DOVE - the Holy Spirit
THE DOGWOOD FLOWER - represents the beautiful province of British Columbia
The WAVES - Pacific Ocean
THE CROSS - the centre of our faith
THE OPEN BIBLE - revealing God’s word is life and light

Primary School Kindergarten Addition