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International Program

Pacific Academy's International Program serves the International Students on Campus

Pacific Academy is a Christian school with a Statement of Faith that is distinctly Evangelical and Pentecostal. Teachers and staff integrate content learning with Christian living, inviting the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of students.

Pacific Academy welcomes students from countries outside Canada to join the campus community. Students experience strong academics, rich relationships and supportive, caring Christian teachers. Both international students and domestic students are enriched by sharing their diverse life experiences and perspectives.

At Pacific Academy, international students will be placed in a caring Christian homestay family. Alternatively, they may choose to live with a blood relative who has parenting experience. 

International Application Package

The application package requires several documents to complete. The underlined items are links to documents you may download and print out. If you have any questions while you are completing them, feel free to email our Director of Auxiliary Programs, Michelle Warnock, at

There is a limited number of seats available for international students between grades 9-12. Receiving a study permit can take several months, so we encourage international families to begin the process early.

Students applying for grade 9 must be 14 years of age by December 31 of the year of entry.  

Students applying for grade 10 must be 15 years of age by December 31 of the year of entry.

Students: The handwritten essay must be about your life, your family and friends, and your future goals. Please also include your understanding of who God is, and how Christian faith plays a role in your life. 

The essay must be your own writing, without help from a parent or teacher. This sample of your own, unassisted writing will help us customize your English language support.

If you are accepted into the program, you will write a second unassisted essay when you arrive in Canada. 

Please submit all of the following:




For more information, feel free to contact our Director of Auxiliary Programs, Michelle Warnock, at or 604.581.5353.




All International Program students are expected to live with either a blood relative or an English-speaking Christian family. The homestay parents are carefully selected to give the student a home away from home. The homestay is a place where the international student can feel relaxed, accepted and part of a Canadian family.

Host Family Application
Pacific Academy requires homestay families for long-term international students as well as short-term groups during the summer months.

If you are interested in hosting an International student in your home, please complete a Host Family Application and send it to our Director of Auxiliary Programs, Michelle Warnock, at

Alternatively, you may drop off a physical copy at the high school office.